Sunday, September 16, 2012

All of the Lights, All of the Lights

In preparation for the coming months of darkness, Ben was kind enough to show us the third floor of a famous Danish department store that is just full of lights!! Due to the Danish weather and lack of sunlight in the winter months, (the month of December gets 45 hours of sunlight total) the Danes love their light fixtures. I probably should have included this face in my post about being Danish, consider it an addition. But thanks to this discovery when it’s December and we only get an hour of sunlight a day we can take field trips to the department store and trot amongst the lights a pretend the sun is shining!

Here’s some pictures from the excursion!!

is it a snowflake? a bon bon? a stallagtite? stallagmite?
who cares its art?!

what excellent closet lighting--and it's only a couple thousand dollars!!

 is somethin funny, Jenny?
so many lamps...

most hipster picture I've ever taken...

Upcoming events: This Wednesday I’m going to my Danish brother’s high school to talk to his English class! Super excited about that! Then Lindsay is coming to visit me this weekend!! So some touristy things are probably on the menu!

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