Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rasmus the Adventurous Bear

Today I met with my Danish Visiting Family for the first time!! The DIS Family Visiting Program is set up so that students who don’t live with a host family can still have interaction with a Danish family. I met my Danish Mommy and Brother (Elisabeth and Sebastian) today! They we so nice and took me around downtown Copenhagen to see the Little Mermaid Statue and then we went to the Tivoli which is an amusement park! Unlike six flags the Tivoli is equipped with beautiful gardens, cafes, coffee shops, candy stands, AND roller coasters. It was amazing! It was really great to finally get to meet Elisabeth and Sebastian after having only email contact. They are so fun and friendly I am so looking forward to getting to spend more time with them! Sebastian is very involved in theatre, no coincidence in that matching!

Tomorrow I have to go to the embassy to get my residence permit and then were going to Christiania with my kolleigum which should be really fun!

Colleen and I have also been watching a lot of Danish television to help us accustom our ears to Danish. Danish commercials are ridiculously hilarious everyone should google that stat! We have also become fans of the Danish reality show “Sunny Beach” easily comparable to Jersey Shore, so even though I might be in Denmark, JERZDAY lives on!!

Here is also a picture of Rasmus, a children’s comic here in Denmark, about a bear who loves pancakes and has sea adventures with his friend Pignon the penguin. It’s really adorable!!


The Little Mermaid Statue

 My danish brother, Sebastian in front of the Little Mermaid
Cafe at the Tivoli

 I went on this roller coaster! Way fun!
Rasmus nomming on some pancakes

Hans Christian Anderson themed roller coaster, also very fun!

 more tivoli...
What I ate for dinner! (some sauteed mushrooms, spinach, onions with chicken and sundried tomatoes YUM)


1 comment:

  1. wait wait wait...Hans Christian Anderson rollercoaster?! Was it like the most tragic ride ever???
