Monday, August 20, 2012

When Copenhagen becomes Kobenhaven

I arrived yesterday morning and everything was a mad rush to get acclimated to the city. DIS (Danish Institute for Study Abroad) was extremely helpful in getting the hundreds of American students they are hosting to all of their respective living situations.
I arrived at Oresundkollegiet (Ur-sund-college-iet) yesterday afternoon and have been working to acclimate to the culture/community since. A kollegiet (or kollegieum) is a cheap student residence building. Not associated with a particular university yet all residents must be students. However, there are many young families and couples living in the kollegiet. (I have legitimately seen more pregnant gals and babies here then anywhere else I have ever been.) I live in building D out of M on the 5th of several floors. I share a bathroom in a complex with one roommate, her name is Colleen she is absolutely delightful, and I share a common kitchen with 11 other students, all Danes.
Our first day consisted of some orientation, picking up our books, getting lost in downtown Copenhagen, learning that you need a number (as if you were at a deli) in order to purchase things in the pharmacie, and that bikers are the top dog hard core riders of this city.
The many different neighborhoods or burrows of Copenhagen, are known as the bros, yes the BROS, the most popular of which for young people is Westerbro, only a few metro stops away.
Everything is coming together slowly but surely as we come up with more questions and more anxious looks to give to our SRAs or Student Residence Associates, two brave Danes who agreed to accompany 42 Americans in their journey as we live in Copenahagen for the next four months.
This is just a general overview of the past few days, more stories to come for sure! And now for some pictures!

Stroget: Pedestrian only street in dowtown CPH
BBQ/Wine Night on our beautiful Oresund terrance

 Fountain and Street performer on Stroget.

The light in my room at Oresunds.

Stay tuned!

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